Varying Protection levels in Custom designs best suited for your needs
Ground Breaking Technology
We provide some of the most advanced ballistic protection solutions on the market today. We are the only Canadian Manufacturer of ballistic armor that can provide unisex rifle rated solutions that maximize comfort and interoperability amongst officer.


Custom Designs
We understand that different departments require different solutions. To that end we specialize in providing customized solutions that are specifically designed to fit your requirements.

24/7 Client Support
When it comes to ballistic protection any issues that arise with fitting or modifications are things that need to be dealt with as soon as possible to ensure there is no time when an officer lacks the protection that they need. Our experience allows us to modify and adjust any of our products to better fit your needs and to ensure that our armor will fit officers of any shape or size.
3780 14th Ave #104, Markham, ON L3R 4B7